Is your scheme performing as it could?
Shortly after we commissioned our own eight schemes we conducted performance reviews that identified immediate opportunities for improving performance by at least 1-2% of gross revenue per scheme for minimal investment, plus further possibilities to improve generation through more substantial medium and long-term modifications.
Since then we have reviewed the performance of number of privately owned schemes and have always identified a minimum improvement of 1-2% and as much as 8%. All of these schemes were commissioned within the last 10 years and have been designed and built by reputable companies.
So often once a scheme is commissioned and operating near potential, the marginal performance is overlooked. There is a tendency in the industry to breathe a sigh of relief when the dial hits full power and the Ofgem accreditation is received. Our experience is that the actual efficiency of the scheme is rarely measured and that there are often relatively straightforward actions that may improve the use of the water available. Furthermore the introduction of a fresh pair of eyes can often help identify opportunities that have not been apparent before.
We are offering a performance review service that is based on the process that we have established while assessing these sites over the last few years. We are confident enough that we will be able to identify improvements that we offer not to charge for the work if we cannot detail potential gross savings or improvements that exceed the agreed fee within three years of implementation. Attached is a brief list of some examples of performance improvements that we have been involved in.
Our review process is both desk based and on the ground. We first model the scheme and review design drawings, then visit the site with the caretaker and follow up with an interview with the scheme operator. Our review checklist is extensive and the findings are presented in a summary report that identifies opportunities for improvement and sets out an estimate of the value of each improvement. There is no obligation to engage us to deliver improvements, we are happy to work with existing operators, contractors or designers to implement changes.